Cosmetic Dentist Dallas

Giving You a Bright & Confident Smile

Woman smiling at her cosmetic dentist in Dallas

Without a doubt, our office makes oral health for patients our top priority. Healthy teeth and gums are the highest goals of Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas! Having said that, our team doesn’t simply ignore your smile’s looks. We can address its varied flaws with our cosmetic dentistry services. Our practice even takes pride in its many fixes for imperfect teeth. You’re free to learn more about our options for cosmetic dentistry in Dallas if you’d like. Simply keep reading or book a consultation to do so.


Why Choose Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Kor® Teeth Whitening Available
  • Lifelike Dental Ceramics
  • Customized Care With Dazzling Results



Close up of adhesive being applied to a veneer

With dental veneers, we hide all of your smile’s faults at once. It amounts to placing ultra-thin ceramic shells on the fronts of your teeth. These veneers will then hide tooth stains, chips, cracks, and even crooked or undersized teeth. Such results come from a placement process that takes two dental visits. For the first one, we’ll review your smile goals and create a treatment plan well-suited to you.

Metal-Free Dental Crowns

Close up of a white dental crown

A metallic dental crown protects your tooth at the cost of its appearance. In light of that fact, our dental office carries metal-free crowns instead. These ceramic, tooth-colored caps are durable enough to defend teeth and blend in with your smile. They won’t force you to choose between a pretty smile and a (relatively) healthy one. To that extent, you won’t have to worry about your crown drawing unwanted attention.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Cosmetic dentist placing a veneer on a patients tooth

You don’t need to go overboard to treat minor smile flaws at an inexpensive price. If any of your teeth develop mild faults, you can opt for a cosmetic dental bonding procedure. This option sets tooth-colored resin on the affected areas, hiding chips, stains, and more from view. The resin is then shaped and molded to ensure it blends with its surroundings. From there, your results can last years if you stick to good oral care.

KoR® Teeth Whitening

Take home teeth whitening kit

Do you want to get whiter teeth in a more leisurely way? In that case, you should consider Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas’s Kor teeth whitening. It provides you with two take-home trays that can brighten your smile in only two weeks. Since the trays are custom-fitted to your mouth, they ensure all of your enamel gets its stains removed. As a bonus, this whitening method doesn’t use hot lamps or lights; it’s unlikely to cause any tooth sensitivity.