Preventive Dentistry Dallas

Defending Families’ Teeth & Gums

Young boy smiling at his dentist during a preventive dentistry checkup in Dallas

Dr. Kingsberg and the rest of our team at Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas know preventive dentistry is vital. Without it, you see large declines in oral health and quality of life. That’s why we all work thoroughly to protect your smile from harm. To be specific, our Dallas dental office uses several preventive dentistry treatments to keep major oral health issues at bay. We’d all be happy to tell you more about them. Just keep reading or book a consultation visit in the coming days!


Why Choose Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Experienced & Dedicated Dentists
  • Evening and Weekend Availability
  • Dental Insurance Welcome


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman in dental chair grinning

Dental checkups and cleanings are the best way to avoid dental issues and emergencies. At any one of these visits, our dentists closely assess your mouth for odd or worrisome signs. This exam diagnoses any oral problems and keeps worse ones from emerging. Afterward, our team does a teeth cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar. We then conclude the visit by answering your oral health questions.

Fluoride Treatments

Tube of toothpaste next to a toothbrush

You’ve likely heard of fluoride – a common mineral found in hygiene items, tap water, and many foods. It has the power to strengthen enamel and prevent cavities. Well, our fluoride treatment applies this mineral to your smile as part of your checkup. All we have to do is set a fluoridated gel on your teeth after polishing them. From there, you’ll be better protected from tooth decay until your next checkup.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Hand holding a white nightguard

Maybe you don't take jaw pain or sensitive teeth that seriously. Still, you really should – these things can point to teeth-grinding or "bruxism." That habit will erode your enamel or chip your teeth if left unchecked. Luckily, you can avoid these effects with one of our custom-made nightguards. This device can stop you from grinding your teeth while asleep. You’d then be free of your aching jaw and tooth sensitivity.