Restorative Dentistry Dallas

Repairing Decayed & Damaged Teeth

Dentist treating a patient with restorative dentistry in Dallas

Today’s modern dental tools make saving teeth a lot easier. We’re pretty happy about that – our team would always prefer to restore a tooth than extract it. In fact, this truth benefits us due to our restorative dentistry in Dallas. You can count on Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas to use the best treatments to repair tooth damage. As for the details of those procedures, keep reading to learn more. You can also book an in-person consultation with us.


Why Choose Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas for Restorative Dentistry?

  • All-Ceramic Dental Materials
  • Quick, Same-Day Filling Treatment
  • Office Open on Weekends & Weekday Evenings


Tooth-Colored Fillings

Dentist using a shade guide on a patient

Plaque can often erode teeth even when you care for them, leading to cavities. However, our team has you covered with its tooth-colored fillings. These blends of resin adhere to your natural teeth and maintain high durability. Unlike metallic fillings, they protect and enhance your smile at the same time. Placing them is also simple – the process usually only takes a single appointment. That way, you can get great grin repairs without any hassle.

Dental Crowns

Close up of a dental crown resting on a finger

Today, dental crowns are the most common dental restorations used at our office. These tooth-shaped caps restore and protect damaged teeth while also blending in with them. We also customize them to fit each tooth precisely while keeping your bite even. After all, we take impressions of the treated teeth before placing the final restoration. A dental lab can then make your custom crown(s) in two weeks or so.