Orthodontics Dallas

Straightening Out Your Crooked Grin

Two models of the teeth with braces

For the young and old alike, orthodontics has only gotten more popular with time. Many people find themselves tired of their crowded and misaligned teeth. Similarly, a lot of folks don’t want to deal with tooth gaps or uneven bites. Our dental office knows these things and offers orthodontics in Dallas as a lasting solution. To be specific, Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas has a licensed orthodontist onsite who can straighten out your smile. Find out how they’d do so by reading below or by visiting us.


Why Choose Casper Family Dentistry of Dallas for Orthodontics?

  • Options Available for Adults & Children
  • Board-Certified Orthodontist on Staff
  • We’re Open Evenings & Weekends


Traditional Braces

Young woman with traditional braces pointing to her smile

You may know about traditional braces – a core orthodontic service of the last few decades. In essence, it consists of metal brackets and wires cemented onto both rows of teeth. These components shift your smile until it's nice and straight, fixing your misalignment and crowding issues in the process. Patients will discuss what they want from metal braces at their initial visit. At that time, they'll consult our orthodontist about the results they expect.

Invisalign® Clear Braces

Model of the teeth with braces with clear brackets

Some patients view metal braces as too disruptive to work well as a treatment. If you feel the same way, our Invisalign clear braces may suit you better. Treatment has you wear a series of clear aligners that shift each tooth into the right position. These trays are near-invisible and removable, so they won’t get in the way of eating or smiling. We’ll also design and create them to resemble each stage of your realignment.